Wednesday, October 27, 2004


I been so close! I really believed in that! I really believed that I can win entry to Aruba 2004 WPT Event at UlimateBet Poker.

I am 'poker player' from almost two years. When I was at highest point of my "poker's form" I was playing at 2/4 and 3/6 limit holdem tables and in tourn with buy in up to $100. I played really good and I tried: in first qualification to Aruba 2004 I finished in 11th place in next 7th and in next I was playing on 3th position at final table when my network downed. I didn't play in next qualification because bad things start hapends in my real live. That bad things were like a train. More and more carriage full of troubles moved in my brain. That bring me down from solid player to the beggining of 'poker route' without hope to see the end. I can't win at small stakes tables. I am fish anew :-(

Now I am walking in a nightmare but I will try wake up. I will try became a shark again and I have hope to play at final table of WPT with the greatest someday. I have not much time but I will fight to the end!


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