Thursday, November 04, 2004

Day 9

There wasn't update yestarday. I am still doing bad. So bad that I was thinking about kill this blog but I am not murderer ;)

Now I know that I fail 'PHASE I'. Can't do that in two weeks but I know why: problem is in 'time preasure'. To make $500 in 14 days I need more then $30 per day. By all this days first I had won some $ and next when I tried catch more then $30 I was losing. And next day when I need
more $/day I made more stupid false. For example: in last two days I had about +$25 and when by longer time I didnt catch next $ I got tilted and was losing.

Now I know that I must concentrate on play not money. PHASE I need correction: end of PHASE I will be at bankroll $500 not after two weeks!

Ring game bankroll: $144 (-32)

Pacific tourn bankroll: -4


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