Saturday, May 31, 2008

500 Titan's fights

After 'fast&tired' play on Chili Poker I back to Titan Poker and finished there first 500 matches. It look not so bad ;)
I'm gonna back to Chili now, I have $600 bonus to clear there and I want make a points to buy suborbital flight in Chili Shop ;)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Euro 2008 Excel Sheet

For all from you waiting on Euro 2008, especially for old school soccer fans who as a kids was
filling up World Championships paper's tables, I have Euro 2008 Excel Sheet ;)

One for MS Office 2003:

Second for MS Office 2007:

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Don't force it ...

Like I wrote I work now on my ROI in HU Sit&Go and last month I opened new account at Titan Poker. I started play from $5 and $10 buy ins. I didn't wanted profits from that just good stats. After month it look like this:

not bad 12% ROI, few more games and I will can work on $20 buy ins ROI. But I decided move to other iPoker site Chili Poker, make deposit and get a bonus. At a level of $20 buy ins it is possible to clear $600 bonus quite fast. I wanted play few $10 HU S&G and move fast to $20. Big mistake! Never and nothing you can't do fast in poker! Especially when you are tired! Combination of this two elements always gives bad effects. So after two days my Chili graph looks like this:

when I get back most of my lost (like you can see in graph) and I wanted fast get back a rest I lost it. It was about midnight and I was tired after ten hours of play and shouldn't play longer this day. So remember two words 'fast' and 'tired' can mean 'catastrophy'. Especially in heads up
play. It is because read on opponent is much more important in HU then in other poker games. If you are tired and you can't concentrate you can make mistake in situations like this (todays hand) :

without good read on opponent this river call is lottery. But when I know that from this guy I
can expect reraise on flop if he have something (K, 6 even flush or str8) then after check
check on turn I can call this river push. Even (especially) I see flush on board.

This pics hosted by blogger looks sux! That's all folks :]

Monday, May 26, 2008

Heads Up time!

Hi again :-) I found my forgotten blog on google and I checked in stats that from time to time some peoples came here. So I thinked why not? Why not continue write this bullshit :]
So lets go ;)

From time of last update of my blog I became a 'pro'. It's to big word, I'm not a high stakes player, I don't make so much money to buy two houses one on Bali island second in New Zealand ;) but poker is my main job now. So, I can call myself a pro :] I see in last posts that two years ago still I was playing limit holdem but starting from about end of 2005 year I started playing no limit holdem. Here I need put some thanks to my bro who freed me from limit holdem and was leading me to no limit world. No Limit tables I started play at Boss Media network. I and my bro called this network 'Turkey Poker' because on every table you could find two or three turkish players. It was real turkish invasion ;) Ok, I stop jokin. I started at 0.25/0.50 6max tables and fast after about month I switched to 0.50/0.1 and there I spent more time playing mainly at PokerStar. In this days it was wild west in No Limit Holdem. No good books, learning programs, at a tables were so many limpers and min raising players who didn't knows what exactly they do. Early in 2006 I climbed to 1/2 and it was my main source of income :)

But now I play Heads Up games. Both cash games and Sit&Go Heads Up. I started Heads Up play onBodog. $11 HU games won in a row and I undestands where is my place :] I moved to PokerStars and fast I won there about $1.5k. By long time I was switching HU Sit&Go and No Limit 6max tables and it was a key to success ;) Finally this year I tried HU Cash Games and you know what? 6 max tables sux! At first playing Sit&Go Heads Up and Cash Games Heads Up I made easiest $10k in my poker life. Second it's most exciting type of poker for me. It's like boxing fight, duel. It's like Quake II Duel Mode on Rocket Arena but you earn money ;) Now I play HU Cash Games up to $2/4 and Sit&Go up to $50 buy in.

So now my blog will be mainly about Heads Up games. I'll try put some interesting hand, stats and graphs. I'll start posting about Sit&Go Heads Up because I want move up to higher buy ins but before I'll do that I need to work on my ROI. From few up to 13% is still to few to move over $50 buy in.

I'll try make my next post more valuable ;) but now I need write about two things. First I know that my english is more then poor so don't write me 'you have grama like five years old kid' because I know that :] And second today is Mother's Day so BEST WISHES MOM :-)

Stay tuned ... lol

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Swiming with sharks ...

I coucht flue again :/ but except this it was great weekend :-)

As I wrote last time I started reading Harrington on Holdem, now I know that is great book. I have readed only about 100 pages but it really teach me 'tournament's thinking'. Book teach plan own play, observe table and react on particular event. Moving from theory to practice on sunday I played in 100K Guaranted Tourn at Bodog. I finished 16 from 552 players and won $1100 :-) Could be better because when we was downed to only 3 tables I had more then 50K in chips and this was bigest stack at this time. But from this point I played only 3 hands. First from BB I pushed all in with JJ against stealing big raise from CO. He called me with A7 and flop+turn gave him 6543 :/ I think my push was good but to next hand I not sure that it was good move. BB again and thesome action but this time I had 66 against A9. 9 on turn and my stack was downed to about 1,5 BB. Last hand KQ against J5, 5 on flop and no help for me :-( This tourn I played really patient and with no fear with sharks at table like 'leggggggy' from UltimateBet. Now I know where is a key to success and think it's not my last word but now I must first won with a flue. Maybe someday I'll write where is the key :)

Saturday, April 30, 2005

April's summary

It's end of month, time for summary.

1. I have reached main goal - 'X Prize'.
2. I moved up to 3/6 tables.
3. First time I played with big boys at 10/20 and won!
4. I had only one tilted day and losts this day about $400, so I didn't made $1000 at 3/6. Finally I have $768.
5. I have started reading Harrington on Holdem and now play tourns and S&G more patient. HOH is really good book, so I have for improve my tourn play.
6. I had reactivated this stupid blog :-)

In may I must won X again. Nevermind how, when, where. I will not get next 'great plan', it's simple - at end of month I must cashout X! But I think I'll stay at 3/6, if I go higher and screw it willbe hard reach X.

15th april I had birthday. I'm now 29 years old. Only words I can say about this: that's sux!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

X Prize

Today I have won $122 and this was time to stand up from tables. It is early, so I have time to write something.

I didn't play at 10/20 again but now I play at 3/6 not at 2/4 and few times I was playing at 5/10 tables ( and I won :) ). I have won my X now but most of that I won at 10/20 so 'victory' is partial ;)

Now I reset my bankroll, deposit $400 on my new Party Poker account with 'rakes back' and when I will make $1000 I will try stand at 5/10 tables.

Didn't play any tournaments lately. I first must start reading Harrington on Hold'em and I promissed my brother translate for him Small Stakes Holdem. He made his first 'cashout' last week. That is more optimistic thing then complete by me X prize :-)