Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Swiming with sharks ...

I coucht flue again :/ but except this it was great weekend :-)

As I wrote last time I started reading Harrington on Holdem, now I know that is great book. I have readed only about 100 pages but it really teach me 'tournament's thinking'. Book teach plan own play, observe table and react on particular event. Moving from theory to practice on sunday I played in 100K Guaranted Tourn at Bodog. I finished 16 from 552 players and won $1100 :-) Could be better because when we was downed to only 3 tables I had more then 50K in chips and this was bigest stack at this time. But from this point I played only 3 hands. First from BB I pushed all in with JJ against stealing big raise from CO. He called me with A7 and flop+turn gave him 6543 :/ I think my push was good but to next hand I not sure that it was good move. BB again and thesome action but this time I had 66 against A9. 9 on turn and my stack was downed to about 1,5 BB. Last hand KQ against J5, 5 on flop and no help for me :-( This tourn I played really patient and with no fear with sharks at table like 'leggggggy' from UltimateBet. Now I know where is a key to success and think it's not my last word but now I must first won with a flue. Maybe someday I'll write where is the key :)