Sunday, October 31, 2004

Day 5

I am rich! After six and half hour of playing my bankroll has grown up! I won $4 :/

After this very profitable play I had played 'Pacific Tourn'. I am finished with KK in hand against UTG1 raiser with 95s in hand. He catch str8 on the river!

Terrible day :/ I am still hungry! I must play something ...

Ring game bankroll: $146 (+4)

Pacific tourn bankroll: +2

Day 4

Today I came out with $51.00 profit. TV was off while I was playing ;) So I could get more patient. That was really good three hours. Next 5 hours I was checking why new PC of my friend don't work with S-ATA HDD. Results: mainboard is broken and I have new kickin ass 200 GB S-ATA drive :-)

Ring game bankroll: $142 (+51)

Pacific tourn bankroll: +8

Friday, October 29, 2004

Day 3

It wasn't good day :/ I still can't concentrate. I am looking at monitor and for a while I am watching 'Pimp my ride' in tv losing money at tables. Today I lost $20.

Ring game bankroll: $91 (-20)

Pacific tourn bankroll: +8

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Day 2

Yesterday Pacific Poker - today Party Poker was down. I was playing only half hour at Party Poker when they made server upgrade. That wasn't good for me because I had really good hands. I won $20 by now :) Server was down - it was good time for breakfast ;)

Party Poker wasn't still active when I had finished my breakfast. So I started play at Pacific Poker and Paradise Poker. I had won next $10 when after one hour I returned to play at Party Poker. It wasn't good move - I lost entire profit :( I don't give up to fast and after long really good play (I think) I finished with more $31 in bankroll.

I didn't play tourn at Pacific Poker. Today was cookie day - my mother birthday :-) But at the end of day I was playing weekly Polish Thrusday Tourn at Poker Stars. This tourn wasn't lucky for me - early in a tourn someone told 'I have guests I must go" and pushed all in. Someone called him and they had split :) In next deal I called with A4, he had 77 - I lost most of my chips. Finally I finished 6th from 11. I am not leader now :(

Ring game bankroll: $111 (+31)

Pacific tourn bankroll: +8

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Day 1

That's enought today. I can't concentrate :/

Pacific $5+1 limit holdem tourn:
  • enrolled: 135
  • position: 25/50 when tourn was canceled :/
  • winning: $14 ;)
Ring game bankroll: $80 (+30)

Pacific tourn bankroll: +8 ;)

Someone on 2+2 forum wrote that "he ... have to cut some slack". So I must improve my english and my blog: links, etc.

It's time for 'Sklansky' now ;)


Main goal:

  • back to solid play and be cool!
Primary target:

  • make bankroll from $50 to $500 playing Party Poker 0.5/1 limit ring games

Secondary target:

  • play Pacific Poker $5+1 Limit Tournament and have profit from this


  • read Sklansky again
  • reset bankroll
  • dont play to much

Time to go:

  • 14 days

If I will play like in old (good) days I can do that ! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH ME !!!


I been so close! I really believed in that! I really believed that I can win entry to Aruba 2004 WPT Event at UlimateBet Poker.

I am 'poker player' from almost two years. When I was at highest point of my "poker's form" I was playing at 2/4 and 3/6 limit holdem tables and in tourn with buy in up to $100. I played really good and I tried: in first qualification to Aruba 2004 I finished in 11th place in next 7th and in next I was playing on 3th position at final table when my network downed. I didn't play in next qualification because bad things start hapends in my real live. That bad things were like a train. More and more carriage full of troubles moved in my brain. That bring me down from solid player to the beggining of 'poker route' without hope to see the end. I can't win at small stakes tables. I am fish anew :-(

Now I am walking in a nightmare but I will try wake up. I will try became a shark again and I have hope to play at final table of WPT with the greatest someday. I have not much time but I will fight to the end!